Thursday, January 20, 2011

EP Approval!!!!!!

Only 9 days after submission we were notified that
Evelyn's Emmigration Permit has been approved!!!
Estimated time frame to travel could be anywhere from 4-6 weeks
but most of the timeframes we've seen lately have only been 2-4 weeks!

Not long now!!!!

"Hast thou not seen how thy desires ere have been granted in what He ordaineth."


  1. I'm so, so happy for you! Can't wait to see your sweet girl in your arms and HOME!

  2. Congratulations sweet Amy! I'm so happy for you! You've been down a long road, and we're almost at the stop sign, are you ready to move forward? I think so! Now let's go to Seoul and get those precious babies! Meet you there! ;)

  3. Congrats!!! I hope it's on the lesser end of the wait to go get her!

  4. amy, I haven't gotten on in a couple of weeks maybe a month and just got on to check in. I'm so pumped! I can't wait to see the pics to come. I can't imagine the first time you see her face to face and hold her!!! It brings tears to my eyes every time I imagine it. God has been so faithful to you guys and I can't wait to see and hear what He will continue to do in the lives of the Omara family! Love you both!
    Brandi Barker

  5. YAY!!! So excited for ya'll! Ya'll are going to have her in your arms so soon!!

  6. Hi Amy! You don't know who I am, but Anita Greenhaw (who I work with) gave me your blog sometime ago. My husband and I are currently adopting from China. I have followed your blog for a number of months and I am so incredibly excited for you and your husband! I have recently started a blog as well so friends and family could stay up-to-date on our daughter's journey home- Your blog has been such an encouragement to me during our wait! Seeing your blog gave me the idea to start one for our family :)
    Julie Mann

  7. Yeah!! So excited for you! ;) (I'm Cindy's friend) and I can't wait for you guys to travel and get your GIRLS!
