Sunday, April 10, 2011

playdates, parties & a petting zoo...

Evelyn's social calendar is so busy these days she needs a secretary to keep up with it all!

Wagon riding with Griffin...

An afternoon with Laurie...

Daytrip to Oxford with Emma Claire, Farrow Kate and Alice...

Playing with Nate and Honeybear...

Asa's 1st birthday party...

Petting Zoo at Up, Up & Away...

A visit from our friends the Ethridges who are waiting on their baby sister Eliza Grace to come home from South Korea...

Sunday afternoon sliding with Allie and Mary Elliott...

She keeps us running and we love every minute of it!!!


  1. Your pictures are so precious and so neat to see such visible joy on everyone's faces! What a blessing this little girl has been not only to you both but also to the rest of the world. Thanks for sharing the pictures and updates.

  2. thanks for always sharing y'alls journey! I think the Montgomery's along with all of the south east could eat her up. pictures are precious but don't even hold a candle to how awesome she is in person!!
    love y'all

  3. Hi. New to your it!! I would also love to speak with you concerning special needs adoption if you are available. We are logged in with China and would love to learn from any experiences you have had. Thanks!!

  4. Adorable! Love her little cheeks! Hope you all are doing okay! :)
